Whatever your situation, there may be difficult choices to make and legal hurdles to overcome. Our lawyers anticipate and manage these difficulties alongside you. Our team of lawyers and consultants handle your restructuring and insolvency issues. They are skilled at finding solutions to even the most complex situations , and have the expertise to represent your interests in dealings with banks, other lenders and creditors, as well as taking steps to recover your debts from debtor companies, contesting court rulings or advising you on the risk of liability incurred by directors and other stakeholders. Should the need arise, our team has the agility to work closely with other experts to safeguard your interests.
SIA Attorneys - Africa
Opening hours:
Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm
Email: africa@sia.legal
Address: Silikin Village, Concession COTEX, 63 Avenue Colonel Mondjiba – Kinshasa, RDC